Our parts finder helps you find replacement speaker parts to repair your speakers, our database includes many popular brands, such as Mackie, Yamaha, Turbsound, Martin Audio and many others. Our dynamic search function will look for matches in our database, just start typing to search.

Please type in the brand, model or part number for the part you are looking for:
Can't find what you need? Drop us an email with the make, model, part number and any other identifying features and we'll see if we can find a match for you. A few photos might help, and we'll let you know if we need those.
Want to help build our database? if you know of other matches and want to help others find replacement parts, you can drop us an email with any information you have and we'll add it to the database once we have been able to verify it.

Our database of parts includes a wide range of products, and in many cases offers cost effective alternatives for repair. Alternatives are loosely grouped into three types:
Original - Usually an exact match to the original product, and just the 'standard' part from the factory which gets rebadged by manufacturer with their own brand and part number. Occasionally, there are subtle tweaks made from the standard part, but its virtually impossible for us to determine this. If we have listed the part as Original, it means we are confident the performance is the same.Aftermarket - Aftermarket parts often become available from factories in the far east once the original part is no longer manufactured. They are intended to be a close match, and provide a cost-effective alternative.
Equivalent - These are alternative options, which provide very similar performance, but are not the same as the original. In some cases the performance may actually be improved. We have used both our own experience, and feedback from customers in generating list of alternatives. Alternatives like this are useful when the original part is no longer made, there is no aftermarket option, so the only choice is to upgrade with the nearest current equivalent product.